Why did you choose an insurance or risk management career?

I stumbled into the industry. My mom recommended a job opening to me after I graduated college, and coincidentally enough it was in the insurance industry. It was a great opportunity, and to this day, the insurance industry continues to provide me with new and exciting opportunities!

What have you learned during your time in this industry?

I’ve learned to never stop asking questions. Never stop expanding your skillset, because the industry is evolving. Pay attention to the trends to remain a thought leader.

What are the coolest perks about your company?

The coolest perk to my job is the ability to work remotely! I knew after my first career opportunity post college I wanted a more flexible schedule. I love having the ability to work at the office, in a coffee shop or from the comfort of my own home! It not only provides me with more work/life balance but it also increases my productivity. An office environment isn’t always as conducive for a creative mindset when I am writing, so being able to change up my environment helps.

What’s your favorite thing about your insurance job?

I am always challenged! Every day it is something new. I am challenged to learn new skills to complete projects. I am challenged to understand an industry I came in knowing little about. I am challenged to think outside of the box to be successful in a niche market. I am challenged to become a better writer. I am challenged to be a leader. I am challenged to think like an owner.

What is your advice to others just starting out in this industry?

Ask questions. When I first started in this industry, I thought I had to discover things on my own and teach myself. But that is far from the case. You’re surrounded by experts in the field who may be retiring in the next five years. Use them as resources to grow and learn. Pick their brains and utilize their knowledge. They are great resources and one day you’ll be the expert passing along your knowledge.

What did you study in college?

Majors in communications and public relations with a minor in art.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, you can find me blogging, experimenting in the kitchen with a recipe, trying the newest restaurant in town or at the gym.

First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Marketing Coordinator
Headshot Laura Peterson
Career Role