7339 E Williams Dr
AZ 85255
(602) 996-7009

The Arizona Insurance Institute (A I I) is an independent, non-profit trade association dedicated to supporting and growing Arizona’s insurance industry.

The A I I is funded by property and casualty insurance companies doing business in Arizona. Our members support a healthy business climate and competitive marketplace for consumers.

A I I’s vision is to maintain a robust and vibrant property and casualty insurance industry that supports the economic development of Arizona.

A I I’s mission is to support the growth and vitality of its property and casualty insurance industry and the economic development of Arizona.

Our Focus Is Twofold:

  • To influence development of a strong, skilled and motivated workforce for the expanding Arizona property and casualty insurance industry job market

  • To be Arizona’s primary information source for the property and casualty insurance industry that serves to educate and promote understanding between the industry and consumers, law makers and regulators.

How the A I I Supports Its Mission:

  • Develop communications, research and messaging on insurance, safety and loss mitigation and emerging issues that affect the industry.
  • Deliver key messages through a variety of communication channels including: guest editorials and letters to the editor, offering comment to media and being available for interviews, pitching stories to reporters, issuing press releases, drafting white papers, fact sheets, and engaging in social media.
  • Develop and maintain strategic partnerships with other organizations, coalitions, member company representatives, and the Arizona Department of Insurance to improve management on common issues and provide enhanced access to information.
  • Brings together representatives of Arizona’s insurance industry to network with each other as well as partners in business and the community to inspire and strengthen the workforce of the future.
Partner Type